Welcome to Kindness Poems on World Kindness Day. I have written five kindness poems to honour World Kindness Day. This day is celebrated on 13th November every year. This is a global day that promotes the importance of being kind to each other, to yourself, and to the world. This day is observed to help everyone to understand that compassion for others is the main force that binds us all together for our prosperity, progress, and happiness in this world.

I have written the poems in very simple English to express my feelings on kindness. I give below the title of my poems….

  • Speak out Kind Words
  • Kindness is Soft And Powerful
  • Act of Kindness
  • Your Kindness Has Given Us The Boldness
  • Be Kind

Before we read and enjoy the poems, it will be better to know something related to kindness with the help from internet.


When used as noun….

the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate,

“ he thanked them for their kindness and support”

Similar words- kindliness


Kindness is a type of behaviour marked by acts of generosity, considerations, or concern for others, without expecting praise or rewards.


Kindness is defined as the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate….whereas, being kind is doing intentional, voluntary acts of kindness. Not only when it’s easy to be kind, but when it is hard to be.

Now, let us read and enjoy the poems…..


( 1 )


You may surprise many

You yourself may be surprised and wonder!

Just add kindness to your personality.

Speak out kind words

From your attractive lips

Do kind things for others

May be small or big

Just observe and feel the atmosphere around

The world will certainly love you


You will fall in love with yourself too.

( 2 )


Don’t be cruel

To prove that you are tough.

If you are….

Soft and kind

You need not have to prove….

Automatically people will feel and say

You are the toughest

You are the best.

Please…. let us all remember….

Kindness is soft and powerful

Kindness is kind and beautiful.

( 3 )


Oh, God! Encourage and inspire people….

Let them feel happy and satisfied

Through their act of kindness

Without any expectations or rewards.

Oh, God! Make people understand

Love and kindness that they bestow on others

Never goes wasted

They will get back every thing

May be in greater or bigger quantity.

They are certain to experience the boomerang effect

Someone may bestow more love and kindness to them.

Oh, God! Make people realize

Whatever they give

They get it back

Giver is always bigger

Bigger in love, affection and refined human feelings

Feelings that respects human – beings.

( 4 )


Dear Father!

We the children….

We all love you the most

You are so kind to us and others

You are versatile

You have many qualities

Many people love you, they like you and respect you


Your kindness surpasses all your other remarkable qualities!

Your kindness make us feel

We are always near you

Your kindness give us confidence

To do anything good for you and others too.

Dear Father!

Your kindness has given us the boldness

Your kindness has decreased all our fear and weakness.

( 5 )


Hello Friends!

Be kind….

Make kindness your second nature

You will certainly get

Physical and emotional benefits.

Hello Friends!

Be kind….

Let your act of kindness be natural and spontaneous

It will help you very much.

You will have lower level of stress hormones

Your body will be calm and under control

The fight – or – flight response will calm down for sure.

Hello Friends!

Be kind….

Your act of kindness will help a lot

You will be less depressed

You will feel less lonely

You will certainly feel happier

Your heart will surely remain healthy

You will have better cardio vascular health

No heart problem – No heart attack

You will live longer

You will live happier.

Hello Friends!

Be kind….

Please remember….


Helps you to have better relationships

Helps you to improve self – esteem and compassion

Brings happiness and future success

Helps a lot for good mental and physical health.

Kindness is always a remedy for anxiety and heart disease

It opens doors for new friendship

Adds to give you a new positive identity.

Hello Friends!

Be kind….

Please remember….

Kindness act as a medicine for you

Kindness act as a medicine for others too

Kindness is a vitamin, a tonic and a moral booster

To the giver as well as who gets.

Dear friends!

Please remember….

Your kind actions and behaviors

Can bring motivation to you and others.

Hello Friends!

Let us be kind, influence others to be kind

And, make this world a kind world

A great peaceful world.


Hope, you liked the kindness poems and also the entire post. We all know that almost all religious texts give due importance to kindness and describe about it.

Kindness is an important quality which is available with very few people. Kindness resides in a very good and big heart. Kindness really means to be good to every person and also to be kind to every living being.

Motivating and boosting moral of others is a type of kindness. Kindness can be achieved by giving emotional support to others. Let us find time from our busy schedule to show kindness to others and make this world a better place to live with co – operation and unity.