Dear Friends,

I am starting a Quiz Corner. The quiz will be related to any topic under the sun. There will be a set of ten questions. The answer will be available after clicking on the choices given for the answer. The right answer will automatically become green and the wrong answer will become red.

 To start with I will be giving emphasis on Insurance (Life & non life), Housing Finance, banking, Finance as a whole. Later on the quiz will be on various topics which we should know. It will be very much helpful to many sections of people including students. The journey begins today………………….

Insurance Awareness Quiz  (set-1) 

(Multiple choice questions with answers)

(To find the answer click on any of the multiple choices given. The correct answer will be green and the wrong answer be red.)


01. Largest Life Insurance Company in India is_________.

Correct! Wrong!

02. LIC of India was established on ____________.

Correct! Wrong!

03. Head Quarter of LIC is situated at ___________.

Correct! Wrong!

04. Oldest (1818) Life Insurance Company is _________.

Correct! Wrong!

05. Regulator for all insurance companies in India is ________.

Correct! Wrong!

6. IRDAI was constituted by recommendation of _________ committee.

Correct! Wrong!

7. Insurance is legislated by _________.

Correct! Wrong!

8. ___________is not a principle of Insurance.

Correct! Wrong!

9. Insurance is listed in the Constitution of India in ____________ Scheduled as Union list subject.

Correct! Wrong!

10. When was Life Insurance sector nationalized_______?

Correct! Wrong!



Insurance Awareness quiz  (set-2)

(Multiple choice questions with answers)

(To find the answer click on any of the multiple choices given. The correct answer will be green and the wrong answer will be red.)


11. What is the function of IRDA?

Correct! Wrong!

12. Which of the following organization decides Repo Rate?

Correct! Wrong!

13. Which of the following is a combination of insurance as well as investment?

Correct! Wrong!

14. Investment in ULIPs is related to which section of Income Tax Act?

Correct! Wrong!

15. Limit of FDI in insurance sector is -------%

Correct! Wrong!

16. Which was an oldest Insurance company found in 1906?

Correct! Wrong!

17. In which year New India Assurance Company Ltd. was found?

Correct! Wrong!

18. What percent shares of New India Assurance Company Ltd. is owned by Govt. of India?

Correct! Wrong!

19. In which year New India Assurance Company Ltd. was nationalized?

Correct! Wrong!

20. When did insurance begin in Babylon?

Correct! Wrong!



Insurance Awareness quiz  (set-3)

(Multiple choice questions with answers)

(To find the answer click on any of the multiple choices given. The correct answer will be green and the wrong answer will be red.)


21. When was the General Insurance Council formed?

Correct! Wrong!

22. When was General Insurance Business nationalized?

Correct! Wrong!

23. When was General Insurance Corporation of India formed?

Correct! Wrong!

24. When was the IRDA (Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority) constituted?

Correct! Wrong!

25. When was the Oriental Life Insurance Company established?

Correct! Wrong!

26. The Head Quarters of General Insurance Public Sector Association of India is situated at __________________

Correct! Wrong!

27. Which of the following is true?

Correct! Wrong!

28. General Insurance Company has monopoly on ______ type of insurance.

Correct! Wrong!

29. To start functioning in India which of the following require IRDAI License?

Correct! Wrong!

30. Through which provision of insurance, banks can do insurance business?

Correct! Wrong!



Insurance Awareness quiz  (set-4)

(Multiple choice questions with answers)

(To find the answer click on any of the multiple choices given. The correct answer will be green and the wrong answer will be red.)


31. CMO stands for

Correct! Wrong!

32. A reinsurance company providing services to another by insuring the activities of another reinsurance company is known as ____________

Correct! Wrong!

33. From which country the Insurance Act was borrowed?

Correct! Wrong!

34. With which of the following Section 39 of Insurance Act is related?

Correct! Wrong!

35. A legal right reserved by most insurance carriers is ___

Correct! Wrong!

36. After how many years Life Insurance Companies cannot reject insurance claims?

Correct! Wrong!

37. Which is the only public sector company in the field of life insurance in India?

Correct! Wrong!

38. ULIP is a product offered by ___________

Correct! Wrong!

39. Which organization provides export credit insurance support to Indian exporters?

Correct! Wrong!

40. The minimum paid-up capital for any insurance business – life or non-life.

Correct! Wrong!