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Welcome to top Hindi websites having some famous/great English poems translated in Hindi…..

Today we will find out English Poems Translated In Hindi. We will highlight the websites that have translated poems in Hindi.

It is my interest for translation that has encouraged me to do some research works from internet on this topic to find out The Top Hindi Websites Having Some Famous/Great English Poems Translated In Hindi.

What could be gathered from internet is that very less number of famous/great English poems are translated in Hindi. Similarly very less number of famous/great Hindi poems is also translated into English and other languages.

Before we write about the websites having translated poems from English to Hindi, let us understand the….


  • The process of translating words or text from one language into another.

“the translation of the Bible into English”

  • The process of moving something from one place to another

“the translation of the relics of St. Thomas of Canterbury”

Further, let us know as well as understand the important things related to translation from internet.


Translation is the communication of meaning from one language (the source) to another language (the target). Translation refers to written information, whereas interpretation refers to spoken information… Translation has been used by humans for centuries, beginning after the appearance of written literature.

Yes – ok, we have understood the meaning of translation as well as interpretation. Now let us find out…


Answers – In a world with over 7000 spoken languages, translation is important because it allows people to communicate and understand each other’s ideas and cultures, without having to learn a second language.

Translation is necessary for the spread of information, knowledge, and ideas. It is absolutely necessary for effective and empathetic communication between different cultures. Translation, therefore, is critical for social harmony and peace.

Now, let us think about the job of a translator and the question arises…


Translation requires the individual to accurately convey the meaning of written words from one language to another. Working as a freelance translator is common. Translators predominantly work with business, technical, legal and scientific written material including letters, reports, articles, books and so on.

With the above inputs related to translation… Whether we can say that translations job is very easy or difficult?

Here is an attempt to make everybody understand about translator and translation through quotes. This will give a clear picture about this job.


  • A translator ought to endeavour not only to say what his author has said, what to say, but to say it as he has said it. …JOHN CONNINGTON
  • Writers make national literature, while translator makes universal literature. …JOSE SARAMAGO
  • Without translation, I would be limited to the borders of my country. The translator is my most important ally. He introduces me to the world….ITALO CALVINO
  • Translators have to prove to themselves as to others that they do not just translate well because they have a “flair” for translation, but rather, because, like other professionals they have made a conscious effort to understand various aspects of their work…MONA BAKER
  • If the translator does his job as he should, he is a benefactor of humanity; otherwise he is a veritable public enemy….MIGUEL SAENEZ
  • Translating from one language to another is the most delicate of intellectual exercises; compared to translation, all other puzzles from, from the bridge to crosswords, seem prevail and vulgar. To take a piece of Greek and put it in English without spilling a drop; what a nice skill. …CYRIL CONNOLLY
  • Without translation, we would be living in provinces bordering on silence….GEORGE STEINER
  • Firstly, a translator is a person with no rights, only duties. He must show loyalty to the author like a dog, but as a special dog who behaves like a monkey. “If I am not mistaken, Mauriac wrote : “The Novelist is God’s monkey.” Well, the translator is the Novelist’s monkey. He is obliged to pull the same faces, like it or not. …MAURICE E.COINDREAU
  • Translator, like the witness called to trial, should be compelled to raise his hand and swear to tell the truth and nothing but the truth….HENRY WORDSWORTH LONGFELLOW
  • The translator is a privileged writer who has the opportunity to rewrite masterpieces in their own language. …JAVIER MARIAS
  • Translating means having the honesty to stick to an allusive imperfection….MICHEL LEIRS
  • It is impossible to translate poetry. Can you translate music….VOLTAIRE
  • Translation is like a woman : if she is faithful, she is not beautiful; if she is beautiful, she is not faithful. …RUSSIAN PROVERB
  • Words travel worlds. Translators do the driving…ANNA RUSCONI
  • A translator is a reader, an interpreter and a creator all in one….BIJAY KUMAR DAS
  • The art of translation lies less in knowing the language than in knowing your own….NED ROREM
  • There is no such thing as a perfect, ideal or ‘correct’ translation. A translator is always trying to extend his knowledge and improve his means of expression; he is always pursuing facts and words. …PETER NEWMARK
  • Translation is that which transforms everything so that nothing changes…GUNTER GRASS
  • Translation is a journey over a sea from one shore to the other. Sometimes I think of myself as a smuggler : I cross the frontier of the language with my booty of words, ideas, images and metaphors…AMAR LAKHAOUS

Now, perhaps we have a fair idea about translation and translator.

Their contribution to literature is also clear to us. Now it’s time for us to look into some of the websites that contain the famous/great English poems translated to Hindi.

In this post/ article we will look into only four poems translated from English to Hindi and find out the translator and the website. The poems are….

  1. Daffodils poem by William Wordsworth
  2. The Solitary Reaper poem by William Wordsworth
  3. Still I Rise poem by Maya Angelou
  4. Don’t Quit poem by John Greenleaf Whittier


Now, let us find out the translators and the websites….


1) Daffodils poem by William Wordsworth

On thorough research and spending a good amount of time in the internet, it is found out that there are only three websites that contain the translation of this famous poem in Hindi. The websites are

Amarujala.com : This is a Hindi news paper site. This poem is translated by literary desk or Kavya Desk of Amar ujala News Paper.

The translation of this poem Daffodils was published on (Date not mentioned)

Ratikantasingh.com : This poem is translated by Ratikanta Singh, owner of this site. He is a poet, blogger (trilingual blogger). He blogs in three language like Hindi, English and Odia. He is also an Odia Podcaster. The name of his Odia Podcast channel is Odia Kabita Wala : Ratikanta Singh.

This website contains more than ten famous English poems translated in Hindi. This site also contains motivational quotations of various famous people and specially sportspersons both in Hindi and English languages.

There are also many poems written in three languages by the Author and Poet Ratikanta Singh.

The translation of this poem Daffodils was published on January 9, 2020.

Mahendraarya.blogspot.com : This poem is translated by Mahendra Arya. He has a blog in Blogger and he contributes his translated poems in Mahendra’s Blog (मेरी हिन्दी कविताएं).

It seems he has started blogging since 2010. There are many Hindi poems and articles published by him. He has also good number of famous English poems translated in Hindi. He continues to blog. The numbers of posts have decreased now.

The translation of this poem Daffodils was published on December9, 2011.


(2) The Solitary Reaper poem by William Wordsworth

This poem translated in Hindi is available only in two websites.

Samaysakshi.com : This poem has been translated with a title….

The details of the translator as well as owner of the website could not be available.

From Archives, it can be said that this website started since May 2017. This is basically Hindi literature oriented website. Poetry is its main focus. This website contains many translated poems of Rabindranath Tagore and other famous poems of many established poets of the world.

Ratikantasingh.com : This poem is translated by Ratikanta Singh, owner of this site. He is a poet, blogger (trilingual blogger). He blogs in three language like Hindi, English and Odia. He is also an Odia Podcaster. The name of his Odia Podcast channel is Odia Kabita Wala : Ratikanta Singh.

This website contains more than ten famous English poems translated in Hindi. This site also contains motivational quotations of various famous people and specially sportspersons both in Hindi and English languages.

There are also many poems written in three languages by the Author, Ratikanta Singh.


3) Still I Rise poem by Maya Angelou

This famous poem by Maya Angelou has been translated into Hindi by only two persons which are available in the internet.

Ratikantasingh.com : This poem is translated by Ratikanta Singh, owner of this site. He is a poet, blogger (trilingual blogger). He blogs in three language like Hindi, English and Odia. He is also an Odia Podcaster. The name of his Odia Podcast channel is Odia Kabita Wala : Ratikanta Singh.

We can say that this website is specializing on translation of various famous English poems into Hindi.

This website contains more than ten famous English poems translated in Hindi. This site also contains motivational quotations of various famous people and specially sportspersons both in Hindi and English languages.

There are also many poems written in three languages by the Author, Ratikanta Singh.

Poemhunter.com :

This website is basically a website for English poems but Mr. S.D.Tiwari has contributed the translated poem of Maya Angelou’s “Still I Rise”. The Hindi title given by him is “मैं उड़ूँगी”/main udungi.


4) Don’t Quit poem by John Greenleaf Whittier

This famous motivational poem is translated into Hindi by only two persons in the internet. The translators are Ratikanta Singh and Ms. Sunanda Choudhury from Sunandachoudhury.blogspot.com.

Sunandachoudhury.blogspot.com :

From Archives of her blog it could be ascertained that this blog started in January 2017. This is the only one famous English poem translated and published on 23.01.2017 in this site.


Looking into the translation of these four famous English poems into Hindi, it can very well be said that there are very less translators as well as very less websites containing the translated materials i.e. English poems.

It seems Ratikantasingh.com by Ratikanta Singh is doing a good job in this area of translation of various famous English poems into Hindi.

There is a lot of scope for new translators to come into this area of translation so that we can have the opportunity to read and understand the famous and remarkable English literature in Hindi.

It is good that there is good number of videos in Hindi in the You Tube related to these poems. The main reason is that these poems are part of school or college syllabus.

We also find very good summary and main essence of these poems in hindi in the internet which really help us to understand these famous poems.

We hope more people should contribute in translating various literatures into Hindi whether poem or prose and make people appreciate them in Hindi language.



