Friends !
I have already published Quotes on Negotiation. You might have understood about negotiation through the quotations. Now a poem is before you. It is difficult to write a poem on such a topic. Still I have tried my best to make it easy to understand about negotiation. The topic is such that I have to write a long poem. But I am confident that it will give good amount of understanding about the topic. So please enjoy…
How can anyone escape to negotiate in life?
Whether we like it or not
Whether we appreciate it or not
Whether we are competent to negotiate or not
For every relation and for better relations
For better and better benefits
For mutual coexistence and cooperation
And also for growth and improvement
We negotiate and re-negotiate too
We all try to evolve as a unique entity
Also try to establish our own identity
To become a brand to be recognized
We need negotiation, we do negotiation
Negotiation is one of the methods that give us recognition.
Please bear in mind
Decision making process is negotiation
When two parties with opposite interest
Come to a conflicting situation
But come together with readiness
To the table for a solution
And for decision
This decision making process is called negotiation.
Man is a social animal
We all human beings always try to prove something to this world
We always try to prove something to ourselves
To prove anything spectacular or different a team is needed
A leader has to lead, he has to think different
To give something new, he may have to negotiate
Nobody can deny, together we all can progress
Ideas of many, produces super ideas
Implementation of super ideas may bring something unique
To this world, when we look to the basic things
And want to improve or change
Many a times, there is conflict
So, we negotiate, sometimes we also compromise
And we come to a conclusion for betterment of our team or our life
Whether we like it or not
Ultimately negotiation is intended to aim at compromise
I win, you lose or I lose, you win
I lose, you lose or I win, you win
I win, you win becomes a deal
This is the story of negotiation
We may face this today or tomorrow
Negotiation is negotiation between two individuals or parties
To have something better or more
Now the question comes…
Is negotiation an art or science?
Let us try to understand further please…
We all see love, fight, compromise, deal and peace in the entire world
These are part and parcel of our life and also our society
We see fights between two parties or more parties with opposing interest
They come to a conflicting situation and fight with each other
Later on they come together to the table for some solution
Now, together they want some decision
Yeah, this decision making process is called negotiation
Each party has their own goals and perspectives
They are in the process to formulate agreements
To solve the issues or disputes
The parties have to communicate to each other
They have to generate offers, counter offers or both
Agreement do occurs between the parties
If and only if the offers made are accepted by both the parties.
We generally see…
A customer trying to negotiate with a shopkeeper over a price of a product
We also see negotiation for salary between employer and employees
There are different types of negotiations we see in this world
Every time some negotiation is going on here and there.
Please remember…
Negotiation is not that easy
Also remember, it’s not that difficult or fussy
There is a process for negotiation
Preparation and planning are must
Definition of ground rules must be clear and known to all
Clarification and justification are to be given whenever needed to all
Bargaining and problem solving power have to be shown
Then only one can reach to the stage of closure and implementation
It is a process of give and take
It is just not an event
This one should remember
Just we cannot forget.
Also please remember…
For proper and better negotiation
Full involvements of two parties are must
It needs effective communication
Many people they do not understand the meaning of negotiation
But they are good in negotiation
They resolve conflicting situation
Ultimately two parties have to reach an agreement
Through making a point
To settle an argument
Either we compromise or we beat the opponent.
Ultimately reaching a solution
Can be called a negotiation
This modern world of ours
Believes in collaboration and negotiation
We all can see a better result
When we take step to negotiate
And believe in the power of negotiation.
Related Poem – Poem on Communication
English Poet – Ratikanta Singh