Mother’s Day (the 2nd Sunday of May i.e. 12.05.2019) is a very important, special and emotional day for a family.  In every family mother plays an important role.  Her duties, responsibilities, sacrifices and management is the key to success of a family.  Children are very much influenced and guided by mother.  Mother is the first teacher in the life of a child.  Children depend a lot on mother for their day-to-day activities and any problem that they face.  Whether mother can solve or not but children have confidence and trust in her.  She is the symbol of love, affection, care and concern.  It is difficult to describe the picture of a mother in black and white in a paper.  Mother may be educated or uneducated, but mother is special in every respect.  

Mother’s Day celebration of mothers and motherhood dates back to ancient Greeks and Romans.  They observed festival in honour of mother Goddess Reha and Cybela.  But later on, similar to Greek and Roman festival on Mother’s Day, it is also celebrated as a Christian festival known as ‘Mothering Sunday’. 

The modern era Mother’s Day was founded by Anna Marie Jarvis of United States of America.  Mother’s Day was celebrated in 1908 when Anna Jarvis held a memorial for her mother at St. Andrew’s Methodist Church in Garfton, West Virginia.  St. Andrew’s Methodist Church now holds the international Mother’s Day shrine. 

Later on President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed May 9, 1914 as the first Mother’s Day.  The President said on this day, “think of all the work that mothers do in raising their children.  Mothers need to be celebrated”. 

2nd Sunday of May is designated as Mother’s Day.  It is a Holiday in America.  Now it has spread to various countries and Mother’s Day is observed. 

It is important to remember that Mother’s Day started as an anti-war movement.  Anna Marie Jarvis was not happy for commercialization of this day.  Mother’s Day is observed in 40+ countries honouring mother and motherhood.  Celebration of this day varies from country to country.  But this is observed annually.  In India we observe this on 2nd Sunday of May every year. 

Now let us enjoy a poem dedicated to Mother and Mother’s Day…. 


Mother is mother, don’t compare her with others
She is like Goddess, she is like angel
Her touch is warm, her touch is cool
She is evergreen and always beautiful.

Mother can take all pain for others
She is for the welfare of one and all
Her tenacity and her willpower will make you wonder
A loving and thriving example always very dear and tender.

Mother, a hard task master that she is
But always gets the job done with a smile
She is a mega manager in the house
Knows time management and makes full resources into use.

Mother is the best friend and the partner of father
Together they complement each other
Our house is a beautiful nest
We lovingly and respectfully consider our mother is the best.

….Ratikanta Singh.