FROM 01.02.2018 TO 31.03.2018

Performance during this period :

  • Written 18 posts during this period of two months and achieved the target of two months.
  • As decided, written posts on all the three languages i.e. six each in Hindi, English and Odia. Achieved target on this count also.
  • As on today, 09.04.2018, there are 45 articles/posts including one guest post in my website.
  • I am proving myself to be a tri-lingual blogger in Odia, Hindi and English. There are 12 posts in Hindi, 12 in Odia and 20 in English.

Good sign :

  • Even after four months I am not tired of blogging. I have been able to write in all the three languages and still energetic and creative to continue this journey.
  • I have many ideas to go on writing to make my site motivational, inspiring and practical too. This site can be branded as a personal development site and I am ready to go miles to contribute best possible articles for the readers. Slowly I will add entertaining articles also.

Few drawbacks :

  • I feel I have not been able to market my website at all.
  • Only sometimes I mention about my website in my face book account. No serious steps have been taken for SEO (Search Engine Optimization) for my website.
  • I feel I will do this after I complete 50 posts in my website with all seriousness.
  • I have not been able to generate interests among the readers to respond on each article or post that I write. Seriously I have to do something on this in near future.

My future plan :

  • I want to go for Google adsense after completion of six month of my website.
  • I will make provision for people to subscribe to my posts from my website. This has to be done within a month.

The articles/posts during this period :

English :

  1. Post on nature with nature poems and quotations – 06.02.2018.
  2. Blogging Review – 09.02.2018
  3. Poems on I set my goals – 10.02.2018
  4. Why people don’t stick to New Year’s Resolutions – 17.03.2018
  5. Health is wealth – 22.03.2018
  6. Friend and friendship – 28.03.2018

Hindi :

  1. Friend and friendship in Hindi – 05.02.2018
  2. Hindi gyan kaise badhayen – 13.02.2018
  3. Anuwadak : woh kisi se kam nahin – 22.02.2018
  4. Hindi translation of poem ‘IF’ of Rudyard Kipling – 14.03.2018
  5. Hindi translation of famous poem ‘Thinking’ – 29.03.2018
  6. Hindi quotation of Lord Mahavira – 31.03.2018

Odia :

  1. Odia post on health – 03.02.2018
  2. Odia blogger Ratikanta Singh : Trying to be tri-lingual blogger – 15.02.2018
  3. Odia quotations of Swami Vivekananda – 24.02.2018
  4. Odia quotes and poems on writing – 12.03.2018
  5. Odia quotes of Chanakya – 16.03.2018
  6. Odia post : Friend and friendship – 21.03.2018

Some Highlights :

  • You can find that friend and friendship is written in three languages about my friends Atku Singh, Latku Singh, Vatku Singh, Khatku Singh and Guru Gyaneshwarji (Guga). I have introduced these friends so that they can appear in some of my posts in different form.
  • I have tried to be a translator. I want to improve on this. Therefore I have translated two famous poems viz. ‘IF’ and ‘Thinking’. I have thoroughly enjoyed translating them. I have learnt a lot from these two poems.  I strongly feel that these poems are of immense value for everybody.
  • I have given importance on so many quotes. I always feel quotes make us understand better than a paragraph or two on the related subject matter.


I am working hard.  But I am not struggling. I am really enjoying because writing has become a passion for me.  I want to build up this site as a unique site with three languages having rich topics and practical knowledge to lead a better life.

I do need your encouragement.  Please come forward and help me through your valuable suggestion and advice.



Ratikanta Singh.