World Music Day with Music Poem

Welcome to post of World Music Day with Music Poem and Music Quotations….

World Music Day is celebrated on 21st June every year.

At the outset let us understand World Music Day in the form of Questions and Answers.

We will also know about the dictionary meaning of music from internet.

We will also know about dictionary definition of music.

Then, we will proceed to read a poem on music titled – We Need Music, written by me.

For better understanding of the post, we will read a few quotations.

Then, we will proceed to conclude the post.

WORLD MUSIC DAY(In Question And Answer Form)

Question-1) On which date the World Music Day is celebrated?

Answer-1) On21st June every year, World Music Day is celebrated. This is an annual music celebrations. The World Music Day started with the motto of spreading awareness about the soothing nature of music. In French, it is known as The Fete de la Musique. In English it is known as Music Day, Make Music Day or World Music Day.

Question-2)How, this World Music Day is celebrated?

Answer-2)It is celebrated with music, music and music that means all day music. The citizens of a city or country are allowed and urged to play music outside their neighborhoods, or in public spaces/places and parks. Free concerts are also organized, the musicians play for fun and not for payment.

Question-3)When was the first all- day musical celebration held?

Answer-3)The all-day musical celebration was held on the day of the summer solstice. This was originated by Jack Lang, Minister of culture of France, as well as by Maurice Fleuret. It was celebrated in Paris. Later on Music Day was celebrated in 120 countries around the world.

Question-4)What is the reach and impact of World Music Day/Fete de la Musique at this stage?

Answer-4)At this stage or at this time there are over 130 countries participate in World Music Day and over 1000 cities participate across the world.

Question-5)What is the goal of world music day?

Answer-5) The goal of the world music day is to provide thousands of free concert throughout the day.

Question-6)What is the primary aim of celebrating world music day?

Answer-6)The primary aim of celebrating world music day is to provide free music to everyone, and also to encourage amateur musicians to showcase their work to the world.

Question-7) What is the purpose of world music day?

Answer-7)The purpose of world music day is to promote music in two ways-

  1. Amateur as well as professional musicians are encouraged to perform in the streets under the slogan “Faites de la Musique”/ (“Make music”)
  2. Many free concerts are organized, making all genres of music accessible to the public. All performers donate their time free of charge. This happens in all participating cities.

Hope you have got important information…

NOW, we will move on and know the Dictionary meaning of Music and Dictionary definition of Music from Internet.


When used as noun-

  1. an arrangement of sounds in patterns to be sung or played on instruments.

(classical music, pop music, rock music)

  1. the written signs that represent the sound of music.

NOW, let us know the Dictionary definition of music..


an art of sound in time that expresses ideas and emotions in significant forms through the elements of rhythm, melody, harmony and colour…any sweet, pleasing or harmonious sound or sounds: the music of waves.

LET US proceed and read a music poem written by me…titled…WE NEED MUSIC


We need music

You might have seen many dance to the tune of music

Many march to the beat of a drum

Some just feel so excited, excitedly they cry

Yes-this is the power of music

It swings our mood

Uplifts our mood according to the tune

And rhythm of music

Tells the story of pain and sorrow

Music reveals true emotion and life of all.

We need music

Music is like our friend

It washes away our tension

Make us feel good

We need music

Music is an art of sound

Sounds are arranged in patterns

It is played in instruments

Soothing it is to our ears

And satisfying to our heart and soul.

We need music

Music is a therapy

It lifts our spirits

Yes,music expresses ideas and emotions

Sometimes joy, sometimes sorrow

But always tries to decrease tensions and sorrow

We need music

Cheerful it makes us

It is always a friend to us.

We need music

We need music for our ears

We need music for our hearts

We need music for our souls

We know, music is an art form

It’s a cultural activity

Passed on from generations to generations

In it’s different form

And appreciated by one and all.

We need music

Yes, sound is the medium of music

Yes , there is experiment going on

Music is evolving, adding newness

The purpose is to entertain

Entertain in new form and new style

Music is there to give message

For a purposeful life

A better enjoyable and peaceful life.

We need music

Music make us escape beyond this world

We escape to the world beyond pain

We feel we are always in gain

There is tranquility, peace and pleasure

One may think and say

Such world is unthinkable and unreal

Yes, unthinkable job is done by music

Music is different, different for different people

But it is born to give pleasure for today and tomorrow

We need music

We need it for life long.


LET US proceed for some selected Music Quotations…


01) Music is the moonlight in the gloomy night of life. …JOHN PAUL FRIEDRICH RICHTER

02) Music is the language of the spirit. It opens the secret of life bringing peace, abolishing strife. …KHALIL GIBRAN

03) Music is life itself. …LOUIS ARMSTRONG

04) Music is the only language in which you can not say a mean or sarcastic thing. …JOHN ERSKINE

05) Music is the universal language of mankind. …HENRY WADSWORTH LONGFELLOW

06) Music is nothing else but wild sounds civilized into time and tune. …THOMAS FULLER

07) One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain. …BOB MARLEY

08) Music produces a kind of pleasure which human nature cannot do without. …CONFUCIUS

09) Music is the only thing I’ve ever known that doesn’t have any rules at all. …JOHN HOMME

  1. Music is good to the melancholy, bad to those who mourn, and neither good nor bad to deaf. …BARUCH SPINOZA
  2. Music is the greatest uniter. An incredible force. Something that people differ on everything and anything else can have in common. …SARAH DESSEN
  3. Music is the short hand of emotion. …LEO TOLOSTOY
  4. Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life. …G.K.CHESTERTON
  5. Music is the literature of the heart, it commences where speech ends. …ALPHONSE de LAMARTINE
  6. Music is the stongest form of magic. …MARILYN MANSON
  7. Music expresses that which can not be put into words and that which can not remain silent. …VICTOR HUGO
  8. Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything. …PLATO
  9. Music- what a powerful instrument, what a mighty weapon! …MARIA AUGUST von TRAPP
  10. My idea is that there is music in the air, music all around us; the world is full of it, and you simply take as much as you require. …EDWARD ELGAR
  11. Every thing in the universe has a rhythm, everything dances. …MAYA ANGELOU
  12. Music drives you. It wakes you up, it gets you pumping, And, at the end of the day, the correct tune will chill you down. …DIMEBAG DARRELL
  13. Music produces, a kind of pleasure which human nature can not do without. …CONFUCIUS
  14. Music is the tool to express life- and all that makes a difference. …HERBIE HANCOCK
  15. Music should strike fire from the heart of aman, and bring tears from the eyes of a woman. …LUDWIG van BEETHOVEN
  16. The world’s most famous and popular language is music. …PSY


We can very well say that music has existed since mankind has found its voice and understood about rhythm.

Different area, different culture of the world has its own form of music very much distinct and unique like their language and food habits or cuisine.

Listening to music easy and enjoyable. But to learn music is not that easy. It takes time. If a person has interest and passion, then he can learn it easily. There is music coursetaught in music schools, colleges and universities.

The best way to celebrate World Music Day is to spend the day listening to all your favourites.

Music can be described as an art form and cultural activity whose medium is sound.

Listening to music has many benits. It can have health benefits. Songs also bring back happy memory or make one feel energized.

Listening to music has positive effects on health and mental wellbeing.

Music can provide a huge amount of comfort.

Listening to relaxing music can also decrease stress level.

World Music Day is celebrated by the people of every country in their own ways. Various types of musical functions and parties are organized in schools, colleges and different type of organizations Goverment and Private.

Make this day a memorable day for every one participating at local, national or international level.

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