Valentine’s Day is gaining significance year after year throughout the world. It is also called as Saint Valentine’s Day or the feast Saint Valentine. It is annually celebrated on February 14. It is a busy, colourful and lovely day. On this day people send Greeting Cards and gifts. There are church services. We also find dating happening all-around. The atmosphere on this day becomes an atmosphere of love, love and love.
For this occasion let us enjoy a poem….
Hello and Hi…
When I was madly in love
There was no Valentine’s Day
Now we are refined and permanent lovers
Wow! There is Valentine’s Day, a unique day for lovers.
Hello and Hi…
Can a single day be chosen for love?
Come on…
Express love everyday
Love should be for a lifetime
Not to be dedicated for a single day.
Hello and Hi…
For some, love may blossom on this day
Love may be ready to go a long way
For some, love may take a new shape and reach a new level
Your love may become a new story to tell.
Hello and Hi…
Love is just love
It comes out everyday
Love is just love
It remains in the heart everyday.
Hello and Hi…
Love is for pleasure
We should not measure
Love is great treasure
Keep it intact for ever.
Hello and Hi…
Love is always special
To be expressed everyday
Truly and honestly on many other ways.
Hello and Hi…
Love is love
Beyond any caste, creed and colour
Love is love
Let it sign with new humanistic flavour.
It’s xtrmly good sir n very much contemporary 2. At this age you still fond of heavenly love. That’s great.
Thank you very much.