Let us face criticism boldly…
Criticism is the expression of disapproval of someone or something by judging it
Very much on the basis of perceived faults or mistakes that we find
The person who criticizes become the judger and is called critic
Criticism is an evaluative or corrective exercise in any area of human life
Big or small, poor or rich, all people face criticism
You may get it from friends, family members, relatives from workplace or society
You may also get encouragement, motivation and praises too
Still – it’s better to get ready to face criticism boldly… 

Let us face criticism boldly…
Generally we find literary criticism
We read analysis and judgment of literary works
This clearly helps to identify and understand
They ways of examining and interpreting literary works
The ultimate aim of criticism is to maintain high standard in literary works
Friends! Our many activities are scrutinized
Wrongly or rightly criticized
We are part and parcel of this social system and social understanding
Let us be bold enough to face criticism boldly… 

Let us face criticism boldly…
Criticism can be constructive criticism
This type of criticism is welcomed by people
Always helps us to grow and improve
The other type of criticism is projected criticism
It’s a negative reaction to what has been said or done
Very much the projection of a person’s psyche
May be due to envy, insecurity or anger
Better we understand criticism
Better we ignore some of the criticisms
But ultimately let us face criticism boldly… 

Let us face criticism boldly…
Criticism at workplace can be difficult and embarrassing to handle
But no professional can ignore criticism at workplace
It is better to handle it the right way
But when a mistake is pointed out to us
Our instinct is to get defensive and attempt to justify
Better we try to listen, absorb what’s being pointed out
Learn from the mistakes, take steps to self-improvement
Please see that we don’t repeat the mistakes and strive for improvement
But let us be ready to face criticism boldly… 

Let us face criticism boldly…
Take criticism as an opportunity for feedback
If possible, request for one-to-one feedback
Better to sit across the table to talk it out candidly
Discussion helps in any situation thoroughly
We can know the thought process of other person clearly
Take required steps to amend not to get criticism from any person
But even then, if criticism comes
No way out, let us face criticism boldly… 

Let us face criticism boldly…
Criticism may come and strike you on any day and in any situation
See that criticism gives you something to learn and adds value to your life
Never feel targeted by criticism, keep negative thoughts at bay
Do not take it personally, never allow self-esteem adversely affect you
Let us use criticism wisely, make it a learning experience
Certainly learn how others perceive you
Use your experience to improve interpersonal skills
Always better to step into other’s shoes
If possible, ask an honest opinion about you
Still be always ready to face criticism boldly… 

Let us face criticism boldly…
Nobody can deny that criticism challenges our sense of value
It gives a threat to our survival
Let us find out the intention of criticism
Then we have to be sensible, practical to react
Also to be careful to act in our own best interests
Please remember…
Nobody can stop people from their judgment or opinion
Criticism will remain part and parcel of the society and in our lives
Yes – we have to face criticism boldly… 

Let us face criticism boldly…
Criticism may come, criticism may go
See that criticism does not harm you permanently
Man has to work his way regularly and easily
Hard work punched with smart work helps to reduce criticism
Never take criticism to your heart
Give a hearty ‘smile’ to convey I don’t bother what you say
Learn whatever to be learnt from the criticism
Even make meditation a habit to concentrate easily
Never dampen your spirit deliberately
Let criticism make you more attentive
Let criticism make you more creative to fight back smilingly
Under all situations let us face criticism boldly… 

Let us face criticism boldly…
Let people say or do as per their conscience
Without bothering, you stick to your own duty and goal in life  
No much botheration, approach to criticism will be your strength
You will become mature, wise and full of more strength
You will not be targeted for any stress
Because – you know how to remain cool and fresh
Remember again…
Criticism should never be taken to heart
Rather, you should know to avoid and become smart
Criticism may come, let it come
Let us train the mind to face criticism boldly…
Let us be bold enough to face criticism boldly…
Let us be bold enough to face criticism boldly… 

….Ratikanta Singh