
Today is Labour Day
Today is May Day
It’s a Holiday
No work no pay
Still Labour Day is a memorable day.

We have stopped others to exploit us
Only eight hours we have decided
To work on each day.

Eight hours of work, eight hours of rest
And eight hours of entertainment
It’s our human right
Let’s unite to improve the condition of labour, labourers
And make this world a beautiful one.
…Ratikanta Singh.


We all know…
Without our own labour we cannot grow
Without the labour of others we cannot progress also.

We all know…
Labour gives two square meals
Labour gives job satisfaction.

We all know…
Without labour we cannot produce anything
Without labour we cannot grow anything.

We all know…
Labour gives food, shelter and clothes
Labour gives new and better standard of living.

We all know…
Without some labour or exercise we cannot lead a normal life
Without some labour and creativity we cannot lead a decent life.

We all know…
Labour is a must for rich or poor
Labour can be mental or physical
Labour can be put in paddy fields
May be in the office, laboratories or factories
Labour is so vital, so important for one and all
No labour is small or big
Let us understand the dignity of labour
Let everybody get opportunity to give his labour
Oh! Good Lord!
Don’t allow anybody to sleep without food
Let this earth be a place worth living and very very good.

…Ratikanta Singh.